
Sometimes you'll need to access the current Scene or Camera, or get some other information that Trois normally handles behind the scenes. To do so, you can use the useTrois export from the Trois renderer.

It's helpful to be familiar with Vue 3 refs before working with useTrois.


This is the recommended flow for useTrois:

import { watch } from 'vue'
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { useTrois } from 'trois-renderer'

export default {
        // useTrois is a function that returns refs to Trois internals,
        // so let's save those refs to a variable called `trois`
        const trois = useTrois()

        // we now have access to `this.trois` for Trois internals
        return { trois }
        // since Trois may or may not have finished setting up the camera
        // when `mounted` runs, this is the safest way to guarantee access to the camera:
            // we need to watch the `value` of the camera since `` 
            // is a Vue ref (
            () =>,
            camera => {
                // ignore if no camera
                if (!camera) return

                // you now have guaranteed access to the camera - for example, you can do:
                camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0))
            // tell the watcher to fire immediately
            { immediate: true },
    methods: {
            // You can try accessing the camera with `this.trois` at any time.
            // Note that the camera is not guaranteed to be present, so it's a 
            // good idea to include a null check.
            const camera =
            // cancel if no camera
            if (!camera) return

            // move the camera to a random position between (-5, -5, -5) and (5, 5, 5)
                Math.random() * 10 - 5,
                Math.random() * 10 - 5, 
                Math.random() * 10 - 5
            // look at the center of the scene
            camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0))


useTrois contains the following properties:

autoAttachArray['geometry', 'material']Component types to auto-attach to parents. Any component ending with a name in this list will be attached to its parent as $attached.<autoAttachName>. For example, geometry in this list will attach a boxGeometry to its parent as $attached.geometry.
autoAttachArrayArray[]Components to auto-attach to a parent's array. Not currently implemented.
cameraTHREE.CameraDefault scene cameraThe camera currently rendering.
initializedBooleanfalseWhether or not Trois has been initialized. Set to true when a TroisCanvas is created.
mouseDownBooleanfalseWhether or not the left mouse button is currently down.
mousePosTHREE.Vector2new THREE.Vector2(Infinity, Infinity)The mouse position in normalized device coordinates (NDC) - bottom left (-1, -1), top right (1, 1).
raycasterTHREE.RaycasternullThe built-in raycaster to handle @pointerenter, @click, etc Trois events. Only created if a component in your project uses one of these events.
runDefaultRenderFunctionBooleantrueWhether or not to run the default Trois render function. Set to false if you have your own function you'd like to run.
rendererTHREE.RendererDefault rendererThe renderer currently being used.
sceneTHREE.SceneDefault sceneThe scene currently being used.
sizeObject{ width: 0, height: 0 }The renderer size. Trois should keep this up to date automatically.