
If you need to add a Three.js class that doesn't already exist in the included components, you can do so using app.extend. For example:

import { createApp } from 'trois-renderer'
import App from 'YourApp.vue'

// we'll be adding OrbitControls in this example, so let's import the OrbitControls class
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls'

const app = createApp(App)

// tell the app to extend Trois to include OrbitControls
app.extend({ OrbitControls })

// You can add any number of new classes to the object:
// app.extend({ OrbitControls, AnotherClass, 'third-class': ThirdClass, ... })
// Each one register a component under the property name,
// so you could use the above classes with:
// <OrbitControls />
// <AnotherClass />
// <third-class />

// mount the app

Then in your template:

        <OrbitControls />

From there, you have full access to the component as a regular Trois prop:

    ref="controls"          // Access the created instance with `$refs.controls.instance`
    :args="[...]"           // Pass an array of args to the instantiation method
    :enableDamping="true"   // Set properties
    :dampingFactor="0.1"    // (etc)