
There are three ways to handle loaders in Trois: by using a shortcut method, by using the verbose method, and by manually creating the loader in JS.


When using any component ending in Loader and providing src and attach props, your loader will automatically run loader.load and attach the result to the parent as $attached.<attach>.

This makes creating materials with textures look like this:

<meshStandardMaterial map="$attached.map">
    <textureLoader src="/your/texture.jpg" attach="map"/>

You can also apply additional maps to your material:

    <textureLoader src="/your/texture.jpg" attach="map"/>
    <textureLoader src="/your/displacement.jpg" attach="displace"/>
    <textureLoader src="/your/normal.jpg" attach="normal"/>


Sometimes you'll want more control over your loader:

    <textureLoader :load="['/your/texture.jpg', onLoad, null, onError]">

This assumes you have onLoad and onError methods in your component. This runs the load method using the provided arguments - you'll need to handle what to do with the loaded result in the onLoad method.


Sometimes the best course will be to create your loader in JS:

        <mesh v-if="font">
            <textGeometry :args="['your text', { font }]"/>

import { FontLoader } from 'three'

export default {
        return {
            font: null
        new FontLoader().load(
            loadedFont => this.font = loadedFont

This is useful, for example, if you need to hide a mesh until a related asset (font, texture, etc) has been fully loaded.