You can import TroisJS as a CDN package (take a look at these codepen examples).

ThreeJS/VueJS versions (TroisJS 0.3.1)

If you need to import things from ThreeJS/VueJS, you should use :

PascalCase vs kebab-case

If you are using DOM template, you should always use kebab-case and closing tags.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    html, body { margin:0; }
    canvas { display: block; }

  <div id="app">
    <renderer ref="renderer" antialias orbit-ctrl resize="window">
      <camera :position="{ z: 10 }"></camera>
        <point-light :position="{ y: 50, z: 50 }"></point-light>
        <box ref="box" :rotation="{ y: Math.PI / 4, z: Math.PI / 4 }">

  <script type="module">
    import { createApp } from '';
      mounted() {
        const renderer = this.$refs.renderer
        const box = this.$
        renderer.onBeforeRender(() => {
          box.rotation.x += 0.01


PascalCase Example

<div id="app"></div>

<script type="module">
  import { createApp } from '';
    template: `
      <Renderer ref="renderer" antialias orbit-ctrl resize="window">
        <Camera :position="{ z: 10 }" />
          <PointLight :position="{ y: 50, z: 50 }" />
          <Box ref="box" :rotation="{ y: Math.PI / 4, z: Math.PI / 4 }">
            <LambertMaterial />
    mounted() {
      const renderer = this.$refs.renderer
      const box = this.$
      renderer.onBeforeRender(() => {
        box.rotation.x += 0.01